Dakota is actually one of my favorite concepts for a logo in the project. The logo features the state flowers of North Dakota on the top and South Dakota on the bottom. Everything about the identity is about opposites. What is purple in one spot is green in the opposite spot. Dakota started way back in 1903 as a railroad team that traveled around the Midwest playing other small-town teams in addition to playing in the Pacific Soccer League. They've called a variety of places around both states home but have settled in Bismarck. One of their previous stadiums was called the Black Hills because for a brief time you could see the mountains in the background. While they play in Bismarck Stadium, the name never clicked so the fans kept calling their home "The Black Hills" and the name stuck. They’ve mostly been an America One team until 1983 and since then they’ve been in America Two. They won a League Cup in 1994 which is their only modern piece of hardware. Dakota is known as the Buffs and their uniforms feature a racing stripe under their badge that extends a bit onto the back. Their corporate sponsor is a local company Daktronics, makers of Video and Scoreboards. The primary kits are Green over white while the change kits are all purple.