In 1963 Dallas was booming. But the only sporting outlet for its citizens was the new Football team formed only 3 years previous. In addition to the oil booms of the 20th century, by 1960 Dallas was actually one of the biggest hubs of technology production. The owner of a local technology company, who grew up watching the Beacon Hill team in Boston, wanted his own team and Dallas Athletic was born. The team has been successful only being relegated once after getting to the Premier League, winning 4 titles over its history, yet they've been struggling to "Earn that Star" since 1980. The logo took its cues from the Dallas and Texas Flag as well as one of the most well-known symbols in the state, the Bull. (Interesting note, much like most logos in and around St. Louis use the Arch, most Texan soccer teams use Bulls, stars, or oil in their logos, at least in the America League!) Their biggest rivals are the team just outside Dallas: Fort Worth. The Nike made uniforms are best known for their chevron design which has been a fixture since their first year in the league. Their primary colors are Navy and Grey with red only really being used in the logo. The chevron also is on the left leg and socks.